Rose Crone Guide
An Interactive Adventure in Living Beyond the Possible
I am Feather Redfox, an Artist, a Teacher at various institutions for many years, a Shaman, a HeartPath Guide, and a Rose Crone, or one who has lived many years. I am One who cares about women's connectedness, their ability to work together toward a common goal and their empowerment. I am One who wishes to support them and share hope and encouragement. I am One who works to revalue women in their own eyes...... and in the eyes of others, to recognize their special gifts. We need now to use women's unique abilities and knowledge, especially older women who have lived longer and gathered many deep teachings. Women can be very empowered individuals; they can do the impossible and learn, and teach the skills of collaborating with others. We can no longer afford to withdraw from active life in this world. Our energy and expertise is needed. WE...... need to pick up our own dreams and our power, for there is much for us to do..... both in our own personal lives and for the betterment of humanity. The Rose Crone Guide is exactly that, a guide, a manual, a workbook to help you see deeper versions of yourself and to bring them into your everyday lives. Choose to learn how to dream your own unique dreams and manifest them into reality, even when that seems impossible. I wrote this book because I believe with all my heart that this is our mission here, and it is time to live it!
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